Here are the top 5 reasons you should look to professionals like us to serve up your holiday parties.

  1. There is a science to buying booze for each type of crowd. Sure you know your budget but how do you know how much to buy? Over the years, we’ve developed a sure-fire calculator.
  2. There is an absolute art to selecting, crafting and mixing cocktails for your vibe. We’ve worked high-end, low-end, super star studded, stars who really need a drink, backyard BBQs and everything in between. We’ll ask a few questions and fine tune with you as we go, but we got this!
  3. Nobody drinks sh*tty pre-packaged mixes anymore. We know how to juice, prep, batch and be ready to serve.
  4. Garnishes are in a class by themselves … from fresh sage leaves to rosemary spears and beautiful sliced wheels, we already know.
  5. And the best reason to hire some pros: you actually get to enjoy the event!